Breakfast: Poached Eggs with Spices and a Decaf Coffee with Cinnamon 

Breakfast: Poached Eggs with Spices and a Decaf Coffee with Cinnamon 

I love breakfasts like this. Simple, fast, healthy and gives you a lot of energy to start your day right! Poached eggs are so much better for you then fried eggs and if you have one of those crazy contraptions that my family does, they are really easy to make!

I also started drinking decaf coffee a couple months ago because it seemed I was developing an allergy to highly caffeinated drinks. As you can see, decaf is very low in calorie and I've tricked my body into thinking its waking me up (Placebo effect at its best!). Definitely a healthier alternative to caffeinated drinks but I also recommend green or mint tea, which is even better.

Thanks for reading and have a great sunday!

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Maira Gall